Revolt Cup

C-Quiz Event

About This Event

The game is divided into three levels, each designed to test skill, coordination, and speed.


Date : 07-03-2025
Round 1 : 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Round 2 : 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Date : 08-03-2025
Round 3 : 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Event Venue

D6 - Parking Area

Rules and Regulations

Level 1: Stack the Cup

  • Multiple cups are placed in a straight line.
  • Participants need to stack the cups on the middle cup.
  • Cups must be picked alternately from each side.
  • The participant who stacks all the cups in the shortest time moves to the next level.

Level 2: Andher Nagari

  • Participants are divided into groups of five.
  • One group hides an object in the room.
  • The opposing group members are blindfolded except for one.
  • The blindfolded members navigate using a gesture-based communication system.
  • The group that finds the object in the shortest time moves to the next level.

Level 3: A2Z Cup

  • Participants receive shuffled cups labeled with the alphabet A-Z.
  • The task is to arrange them in the correct order.
  • Incorrect sequences lead to disqualification.
  • The participant who completes the task in the shortest time wins.

Winning Criteria:

  • Who will complete the task in minimum time will be the Winner

Number of Participants (Only for Group Events):

  • Solo (1 Person)



Param Basupya - 9499636410

Piyush Chauhan - 9638715309

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