About This Event
Participants will debate in pairs (2 participants at a time). The topics will focus on science and technology, and participants will be assigned positions (for/against) randomly.
Rules and Regulations
- Time limit: 2 minutes per participant.
- Topics will be provided at the event.
- Position (for/against) will be assigned randomly.
- Topics will focus on science and technology themes.
- Topics will be revealed only at the time of the debate.
- Participants will have 3-5 minutes to prepare after the topic announcement.
- No language barrier (participants may speak in their preferred language).
- No offensive speech or inappropriate gestures.
- No use of electronic devices during the debate.
- Participants must maintain respectful conduct throughout.
Number of Participants (Only for Group Events):
Contact Details of the Event Coordinators
Gandhi Vandan - 9377114477
Kinari Parnavee - 7383363220
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